Details on how to cancel your Moxie Pass membership.

  1. Canceling Moxie Pass purchased on Moxie website

  2. Canceling Moxie Pass purchased on Apple devices

  3. Canceling Moxie Pass purchased on Android devices

If purchased on Moxie website

On, click on your profile picture in the upper right corner and select Moxie Pass to manage your plan.

On the following page, you will see your current Moxie Pass plan on the left side of the screen. Select Edit and then Cancel to terminate your current plan. Your current plan will remain active through the end of your billing cycle.

Please note: if you do not purchase a new plan before the end of your billing cycle, your reservations for any classes scheduled after the current cycle ends will be cancelled.


If purchased on the Moxie app on an Apple device

Open the Moxie App, click on Profile, and then on Edit Plan. App Store Subscriptions setting will open. Click on the Moxie subscription, and then you will see the option to cancel it.
You can also find detailed instruction from App Store here.

If purchased on the Moxie app on an Android device

Open the Moxie App, click on Profile, and then on Edit Plan. Google Play store Subscriptions setting will open. Click on the Moxie subscription, and then you will see the option to cancel it.
You can also find detailed instruction from Google Play Store here.


Questions on canceling your Moxie Pass membership? Shoot our team an email at