How to start, record, and end class + information on the warm up and cool down rooms and the studio settings. 


  1. How do I enter my Livestream studio?

  2. How do I start my class?

  3. What is the warm up room?

  4. How do I record the class?

  5. Inside the Moxie studio

  6. How do I end a class?

  7. What is the cool down room?

How do I enter my Livestream studio?

When it’s time for your Livestream class, go to the class details page and click Enter Studio.

Can’t find the URL for your class? You can get to the class from your profile and we’ll send you reminder emails and notifications before class.

Please note: You, as the coach, must enter the studio within 5 minutes from the scheduled start time, otherwise you will be considered a no-show for your class and attendees will all be issued refunds.

How do I start my class?

From within the warm up room, click Start Class to officially start the class.

Please note: You must click Start Class within 15 minutes from when the class was scheduled to start in order to officially start your class and activate payments for any paid class.

What is the Warm Up room?

What controls and settings does the instructor have in the Warm Up Room?

A Moxie Livestream class has three parts:

  1. Warm Up Room

  2. Studio

  3. Cool Down Room

Warm up room

  • Moxie Livestream classes begin with attendees and instructors gathering in the warm up room. The warm up room opens 15 minutes before the scheduled start time.

  • Attendee microphones and cameras will be on by default in the warm up room.

  • There is a chat feature available in the warm up room. As the instructor you can PIN messages in the chat, and remind attendees what to expect in the class or what props they may need.

  • In the warm up room you can also adjust what settings you wish to have for the class Studio from the Superpowers button. These settings will be automatically applied once you click the Start Class button. In addition, these settings are remembered for future classes in that series.

  • From within the warm up room, click Start Class to officially start the class.

Please note: You must click Start Class within 15 minutes from when the class was scheduled to start in order to officially begin class and activate payments for any paid class.

How do I record the class? What happens to class recordings?

Instructors can choose to record their classes. Warm up rooms and cool down rooms are not included in recordings. The recording only begins when the instructor clicks the Start Class button. Only the instructor’s video and the class audio is recorded. No attendee video is included in the recording.

The recording will be automatically added to your On-Demand class library and also be available for you to download.

Inside Your Moxie Studio

  • Attendees' microphones are turned off. Instructors can choose to either enable or disable attendees' microphones. If enabled, attendees can unmute themselves to speak. If disabled, attendees will have no microphone access while in the Studio portion of class. 

  • Instructors can choose if attendees see each other during the class, or not.

  • Attendees can choose who can see their video: only instructor, everyone, only the attendee themselves.

  • Text chat is minimized by default once in the Studio. You can still use the text chat during a class - just click on the bubble icon in the top right to expand the chat. All messages will be seen by all participants.


What is the cut off time for attendees to reserve my class?
Attendees are able to reserve a class up to 10 minutes after the class start time. Once they are reserved, they are able to enter the class at any point. There is no cut off time.


How do I remove someone from my class?

To remove someone from your class, see here.


How do I mute someone in my class?

Once in the Studio all attendees will be muted by default. If you need to manually mute someone you can do so by clicking Disable Mics from the bottom right of the studio page.

How do I end a class?

From within the studio, click End Class to end the class and bring everyone to the cool down room. There everyone will be able to interact with each other.

What is the cool down room?

Once you end the class, everyone will enter the cool down room, where the attendees can again interact with each other and with you.

If the class is a Flex Pay class, attendees are able to leave you a one-time flex payment from within the cool down room. The cool down room is a great place to take a class photo and share it on social media!

Please note: the cool down room will automatically close 15 minutes after the class ends.

Have questions on the Moxie studio? Shoot us a note at