How to create and offer class packages to your students. 


  1. Class Packages Overview

  2. Class Package Set up

  3. Creating a free package
  4. FAQs


On Moxie you can create class packages and customize the number of passes, the price (including free), and the expiration date of each package.

Moving your clients towards longer term packages and subscriptions has the dual benefit of providing you with greater revenue predictability while encouraging higher attendance and loyalty.

We recommend creating several packages with increasing discount levels, in tandem with your subscriptions. For example, if your classes are $10 each you might want to sell them as follows:

  • 1 class for $10 (drop-in price)

  • 5 classes for $45 (10% discount)

  • 10 classes for $80 (20% discount)

  • $90/monthly subscription (30% discount if you assume the typical client takes 12 classes per month)

Note: Clients can use their class packages to reserve any eligible paid class, or to unlock any single On-Demand class.

Create a Class Package

To start, click on the Add button in the Memberships tab, and select Package on the next page under “Select a membership type”.

When creating a class package you will set:

  • the package name 
  • a description of the package 
  • the payment type (paid or free)

For paid class packages you will then enter

  • The number of classes you want to include (1 to 100)

  • The expiration date (the number of days the package is active from the date of purchase)

  • The cost

  • and the number of times a client can purchase this particular package:

    • Unlimited - clients can purchase or top up this class package as many times as they want.

    • Specific # of times - you can limit how many times a client can purchase this particular class package. For example, if you are creating a discounted, promotional package, you can set it to 1 purchase per client, so once purchased, they cannot purchase it again or top it up.

Then you will choose the combination of class types you'd like to include in the package. You can choose to include all class generally by type or you can choose to just include specific classes by name or collection (for On-Demand classes.)

Clients who purchase the package can use the passes on any of the classes or class types you included. (With the exception of any classes you choose to exclude from subscribers or package holders when creating the class.)

For instance, for an "all access" monthly subscription, we suggest including all classes and class types. For a more specific offering, say a 10-pack of private yoga sessions, you can choose to include just the relevant private yoga classes. 

Creating a free package

With Packages, you can create and offer an unlimited amount of free passes for your clients.

To create a free package offering, select Free under Payment Type. 

From there, you will set

  • the amount of passes you'd like to include in the package (max of 100)
  • the number of days the package expires from date of purchase
  • and which classes are included in the package offering. 

Having a free package offering on your profile is a great way to attract new clients. Additionally, you can create multiple, hidden free package offerings to give your VIP clients free access to your Moxie offerings. 

Other FAQs

How do my clients use their packages to reserve classes?

Once a package is purchased, your clients will have the option to use one of the passes in their package to reserve a paid class, or they can purchase the class as a drop-in if they wish to save their pass for another time. 


How do my clients use their packages to unlock On-Demand classes?

Once a package is purchased, your clients will be able to spend a pass to unlock any eligible On-Demand classes in your library. One pass is good for one On-Demand class. Once unlocked, the On-Demand class can be watched multiple times by the purchaser, with no expiry. Unless you hide the class from public view.


Can I choose which of my classes are included in the package?

Yes - when creating the package you will specify which classes the package can be used toward. You can include classes specifically by name (or collection) or generally by class type. 

You can also choose to exclude classes from subscriptions/packages when creating the class. 


When do I receive payments for class packages?
You are paid out for packages on a per-class basis. Payments for class packages used to reserve classes are released 48 hours after the class completion. Payments for passes used to unlock On-Demand classes are released 48 hours after the class in unlocked.

For packages with unused passes, you'll be paid out for the remainder when the package expires. For more on payouts, see here


What happens if I cancel my class package?

You have two options when canceling your class package:

  • Cancel Now - this will cancel the package immediately and your clients will get a refund in Moxie credits for any unused passes.

  • Cancel after the package ends - this will cancel the package after the expiration date. No refund is issued. Students are able to continue utilizing their package but no new students can purchase the package.


Can students purchase my package offering in the app?

No. Currently, the only in-app purchases available are Moxie Pass. Once your students purchase the package (on the web) they will be able to use the package from within the app to book your classes. 


Have questions on class packages? Shoot us a note at