Details on all of the fees you can expect when using Moxie.


  1. Instructor fees
  2. Consumer fees
  3. Moxie Pass fees
  4. Authorization hold 

Instructor fees

All instructors on Moxie pay a monthly platform fee of $25/month to utilize the platform. In addition, for Teams, the Team lead will pay an additional $5 per team coach. To learn how to pay Moxie's platform fee, see here

On top of the monthly platform fee, there is a small payout fee of $0.25 for each Payout requested. Learn more about Payouts here.

Outside of the flat monthly fee and the payout fee, instructors pay no other fees to utilize Moxie’s technology and features and they keep 100% of what they earn. 

Consumer fees 

A small fee will be charged to consumers to cover card processing, platform operations, & 24/7 customer service.

For further details on the fees associated for Moxie students, please see here

Moxie Pass fees

Marketplace instructors can read more on the fees associated with Moxie Pass here.

Authorization Hold

Members may notice a $1 charge on their bank account during your Moxie Pass free trial, this is an authorization hold to check the validity of the credit card being used for auto-renewals. It is not a transaction, and will be automatically removed in 7 days. 

If you are paying for an initial Subscription purchase with Moxie credits, you will be requested to put down a credit card for future auto-renewals. This card will also receive a $1 authorization hold that will be automatically removed. 


Got questions on Moxie fees? Drop us a line at