How to use Moxie's Messaging center to direct message with your instructors and classmates.
You can! Moxie's Messaging center makes it easy to communicate with your instructors and classmates all at once, all in one place!
How can I access Messaging on Moxie?
You can access your messages by clicking on the chat bubble icon in the top right corner of your Moxie page.
To message instructors directly, you can also click on the Message button on their Moxie profile page.
Who can general Moxie members message?
Moxie attendees can message any instructor on Moxie, unless the instructor has decided to only allow their clients to message them.
Moxie notifies you about new messages in three ways:
The chat icon on Moxie will be highlighted red.
Email notifications. For more on email notifications continue reading.
Push notifications - only if you are using the Moxie App.
What exact email notifications are sent?
You will receive an email notification when:
You receive a direct message.
The instructor posts a new message to a group.
Someone mentions you by name (using “@”).
Someone replies to your message/thread.
All notification types are limited to 1 email update per hour.
How do I mute emails and notifications about messaging?
Inside the group, click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner, and then select Mute. This will stop all email and push notifications for that group. You can also edit your email preferences for specific Messaging updates from your profile settings.
How are messaging groups sorted?
The group with the most recent message will sit at the top, while less active channels move to the bottom over time.
Who can instructors message directly, or add to custom groups?
Instructors can message anyone who has reserved their class, or purchased one of their subscriptions or packages.
How do I leave a group?
Inside the group, click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner, and then click Leave. This will remove you from that particular group. At the moment you cannot leave the “Clients” and “Subscribers” groups - however, you can mute them to stop the notifications. We are working on adding a feature that allows you to leave all groups in the future!
Reporting Messages
How do I report a message?
You can report messages to the Moxie team by hovering next to the message and clicking on the three dots to show the option to Report. Once reported, the Moxie team will review and take appropriate action which may include banning the member.
Sending attachments & GIFs
How can I send attachments?
Click on the + sign on the bottom right inside the text box, and select the file you want to share with the group.
How can I send a GIF?
Type "/giphy" followed by a word or phrase to generate a suggested GIF. For example, writing “/giphy gym day” would show you a randomly selected GIF relevant to "gym day". You then have the option to send it, shuffle for a new GIF, or cancel sending it altogether.
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