How to cancel your upcoming classes and cancelation policies for instructors and attendees.
How to cancel a class
To cancel a scheduled class, simply go to the class details page and click the cogwheel icon and select Cancel Class. You can cancel a class up until the scheduled class start time.
If the class is recurring, you will have the option to cancel just that one occurrence of the class, all classes in the series, or only the classes from that date onward.
Class cancelation policies
Class cancelations by instructor
If an instructor cancels a class before it starts, the amount already paid by attendees will be reversed from the instructor’s account and returned as Moxie credits to each participant who paid, except subscribers.
If the canceled class was reserved with Moxie Pass tickets, then the attendee will be refunded that same amount of tickets to their account.
No Shows by instructor
If an instructor does not show up for the class within 5 minutes of the scheduled start time, the class is automatically canceled and the amount already paid by the attendees will be reversed from the instructor’s account and returned as Moxie credits to each attendee who paid, except subscribers.
If the canceled class was reserved with Moxie Pass tickets, then the attendee will be refunded that same amount of tickets to their account.
Cancelations by Attendees
Attendees can cancel class reservations up to 30 minutes before the scheduled class start time. If an attendee cancels a paid reservation within the allowable time, they will automatically receive Moxie credits. Moxie credits can be used towards any paid class or subscription/package purchase with any instructor on Moxie.
If an attendees does not cancel the reservation within the allowable time and misses the class, their payment is forfeited to the instructor.
If the canceled class was reserved with Moxie Pass tickets, then the attendee will be refunded that same amount of tickets to their account.
No Shows by Attendees
If an attendee does not show up for the class they automatically forfeit their payment.