Overview of Moxie Teams - create, build, and manage your team on Moxie. 

What is Moxie Teams?

Moxie Teams is the all-in-one fitness platform for small businesses. It provides all of the features of Moxie plus everything you need to manage multiple instructors under the same brand.

Each team has a Team Lead who serves as the administrator/business owner of the team. Only the Team Lead can invite coaches, assign classes, set prices and membership rates, and only the Team Lead sees and handles any payment or reporting information. Team Leads can even pay their coaches directly through Moxie.


Who can create a team on Moxie?

Any instructor on Moxie can create a team. If you are not yet a Moxie instructor, you will need to first create an individual instructor account before creating a Team. To get started on Moxie as an instructor, see our new instructor checklist


How much does Moxie Teams cost?

Each Team Lead will pay the standard Moxie platform fee of $25/month. In addition, the Lead will pay an additional $5 per team coach. The additional $5 is a monthly charge. 

The other instructors teaching for the team do not have to pay $25/month, unless they are actively teaching on their own Moxie page. If they are just teaching for the team, their entire platform fee is $5/month paid by the Team Lead. 


How many teams can instructors create?

You can create as many teams as you like. Each team will have to pay the platform fee of $25 + $5/coach. 


What is required in order to join a Moxie team as a coach?

To join a Moxie team you will first need to be invited by a Team Lead. In addition, you must have a completed Moxie instructor profile, this includes setting up payments (so the Team Lead is able to pay you through Moxie).

How many teams can an individual instructor coach for?

Instructors can coach for an unlimited number of teams.


Can I set up a Team using my Business details and business bank account?

Yes, when creating a Team you have the option to set up your team as either an individual or as a business. If you are setting your Team as a business you will be required to enter your Employer Identification Number EIN.

Please note: Stripe also charges a small (1.5%) fee for every transfer from a business account to a team instructor.


What do I do if I want to switch my Team setup from Business to Individual or vice versa? 

If you need to change your Team account setup please contact our team at support@moxie.xyz.


As a Team Lead, how do I invite people to my team?

Visit the Manage Teams tab from your team profile.

You can invite people to your team over email or by sharing a direct invite link. 

If the coach you are inviting doesn't have a Moxie account, they will be taken to a special sign up page for joining your team where they will be directed to first complete their profile and payments (U.S. only), and then join your team.

Who can view the Team dashboard?

Only the Team Lead can view the Team dashboard.

To get to your Team dashboard, sign in to Moxie and then click the TEAMS tab on your individual profile, and the click on MANAGE to go to your team.


Or simply click on the team name in the drop down profile menu.


Who can create classes for the team, and how are instructors assigned to coach classes?

Only the Team Lead can create classes for the team and assign instructors. When scheduling a class the Team Lead will be prompted to assign an instructor.


Once assigned, the instructor will receive an email notification letting them know when they are scheduled to teach.


What types of classes can a Team schedule?

  • Livestream classes

  • Live In-Person classes

  • Test classes


How do I change the coach for a Team class?

To change the coach for a class, go to the class page and click on the cogwheel icon to bring the edit class menu. From there you can change coaches.

The new coach will receive an email informing them of their new assignment. The old coach will also be notified of the coaching change.


Can the Team Lead attend Team classes they are not coaching?

Yes. The Team Lead can reserve and attend any of the team’s classes without paying.


Can the Team Instructors attend Team classes they are not coaching?

Yes. The team’s instructors can reserve and attend any of the team’s classes without paying.


How does client communication work in Moxie Messages for Teams?

A new messaging group is automatically created for each class. Both the assigned instructor and the Team Lead will be automatically added to the group.

Only the Team Lead can create private message groups or see the full client dashboard.


Is there a space on Moxie where team instructors can communicate and coordinate?

Yes. Moxie automatically creates a Moxie Messaging group for the Team’s instructors. As new instructors are added they are automatically added to this group chat.

Likewise, if an instructor leaves the team they are automatically removed from the group


How are payments handled in Teams?

All of the payments from your clients can be viewed from the PAYMENTS tab from within the Team profile.

The Team Lead can pay Team coaches directly through Moxie by pressing the PAY INSTRUCTORS button or optionally the Team Lead can withdraw all of the payments to their bank account and pay instructors outside of Moxie.


What reports are available for Team Leads? 

Only the Team Lead can view the Team Reports.

To view reports, click on the REPORTS tab from your Teams dashboard.

Team Leads can view reports on the Team’s revenue, the Team’s clients, and Pending Payments.

A new report, performance by each Team Instructor, will be available soon.

How is the Team’s rating calculated?

The Team’s rating is the overall average rating received for all of the Team’s classes.

From the MANAGE TEAMS tab the Team Lead can also view the ratings received for each individual Team instructor.


What determines the order the instructors are listed on the team profile page?

The Team Lead is always listed first, followed by coaches by amount of classes taught (high to low).


Have additional questions on Moxie Teams? Send them to us directly at support@moxie.xyz